Tuesday, August 12, 2008

My last week of freedom

My last week of freedom for another 180+ days. I'm so not wanting to return back. I've gone from loving school and wanting to return every year to dreading the impending arrival of returning. Maybe that's normal but I'm beginning to wonder if it really is. I shouldn't dread going back to my job if I really like it. Another thing that really has me down is the fact that I have 12 out of 15 boys. 3 girls! What the heck is up with that? Why does it feel like I'm being punished with boys only in my life? It's like the powers that be want to seclude me from girls totally! But that's our messed up policy on requesting and class division for ya.

The boys are being terrors right now. Drew cried for around two hours last night before finally going to sleep in his bed. He wanted me to hold him and it just wasn't happening. Mike went in and he got several spankings before he finally gave up. It's just so hard laying in my bed and listening to my baby cry.

We've made it! Five years of marriage yesterday. I never thought we'd make it there but we did. I really think that through all of the ups and downs we've grown as a couple. Of course we have our spats and we both tick each other off but I can say I love him probably more now than I did back then. I love the way he interacts and plays with the boys. I wouldn't trade him for the world- at this point! Ask me that though in a few days and I'll probably change my mind.

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