Saturday, November 8, 2008

Hellish Halloween

Here are the 2008 Halloween pics. We made it through yet another year of Halloween. I hate halloween. I don't think I've mentioned that before but I really do. I know the kids have fun and everyone loves seeing what they are dressed up as but I HATE IT! There are too many places that we have to go to and we really don't have time for other houses because of that. We have to go in and say hello and visit for a bit at each stop. Well, let's say that we visited at only a couple of places this year...ahem. I wanted to be done early because Mike had to work the entire weekend and we needed to get home early and spend some family time. Well, we didn't get done so early and Drew fell asleep in the car. It probably didn't help that we had been in the car most of the day traveling to Joplin to get the boys' flu shots. I'm just glad I had the day off! I guess I'll get over the awfulness of one night a year. They are only young once. One of these days I will be wishing that they were still little and I was still trick-or-treating with them.

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