Thursday, July 31, 2008


Remodeling is driving me nuts! My house is a wreck and it seems as though things aren't going fast enough. We painted the living room ceiling and installed a new fan in there yesterday. It looks really nice. The bathroom is moving at snail's pace. We are all set to order new shingles and siding if Dustin will get his but in gear and bring us samples. Color agreement is the only thing left.

School starts just 3 short weeks from yesterday. I am so not ready to go back. I dread it actually. All the crap will start again I'm sure so another miserable year. Ugh! I will definitely miss our lazy days at home sleeping in and having fun with the boys. It's much easier to get up and go somewhere on a whim too.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Sunday again...

Mike had to go back to work today. I am so used to him being here for the last few weeks that I feel lost without him here by evening at least. Some days I wish we had a normal family life- one that consisted of him being here every night to put our kids to bed and have a family dinner. But for that I would have to give up other things also. He would probably not be very happy doing other things. That's just the work that he has grown accustomed to.

Wahoo- I got Matt to lay down and take a nap today. It was nice to be able to do a few things around the house and have some me time. Usually he will take a nap after Drew already wakes up and it's later in the day. Drew is still asleep and is taking an unusally long nap for him. Sleep is good though.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

The Week that Never Ends

This has been a long week. I was supposed to go to a workshop tomorrow but we didn't have a babysitter and Mike is in class part of the day. I'm a little stressed about not having those hours for career ladder but I'll just have to make them up at some other point and time I guess. Those extra 30 hours that I have to do this year are stressing me out to the point that I'm going to have to stop, relax and have faith that I will get them done. (Even if it is at the last minute!)

Mike's board meeting has been cancelled tonight so we actually get a night at home tonight! We, or should I say he, has been gone every night this week pretty much. When he decides to do things, he does them all at the same time. That makes it hard on all of us.

Matthew decided he didn't really want to do the songs for the VBS program. He started out participating but then didn't want to anymore when he realized everyone was watching him. I took a few pictures and will try and post them.

Drew is being such a big boy. He is still doing without his paci and going to bed like a champ. Of course it being summer, they both hate going to bed early. I'm worried about his speech though. He doesn't seem to be learning anymore new words. I always would worry about Matt and then he would take a vocab explosion. I don't know if Drew will do that. And yes, all kids are different but I never dreamed that both of my children would have "talking" problems.

Saturday, July 12, 2008

It's Summer!

Wow, it's been a long time again since I posted. I am going to have to get better at this. Things are crazy as usual around here. I'm hoping to get some time this week to get started tearing this house apart. If I didn't have plans that had to be done today I would jump in today and get it done.

The boys are both growing like mad. Both just finished with a round of strep throat but are now back to their usual selves. Drew is a big boy now- we officially do not have a pacifier anymore. The dog ate the only one that we had and it was late evening so we couldn't go to the hospital and get one. He made it through the first night ok and then the next night was better and now he's sleeping through the night again! It had only really become a crutch for everyone-me included. I would give it to him when he fussed and he would just fuss to get it really.

Matthew is becoming such a little man. He went to Vacation Bible School this week and loved every minute of it. They got t-shirts on Friday and you would have thought that he had gotten a million dollars. He put it on before we left and wore it around all afternoon. He wouldn't take it off! I finally got it off of him at bedtime and it's in the washer right now. It is huge on him and I'm trying to shrink it if I can.