Thursday, July 17, 2008

The Week that Never Ends

This has been a long week. I was supposed to go to a workshop tomorrow but we didn't have a babysitter and Mike is in class part of the day. I'm a little stressed about not having those hours for career ladder but I'll just have to make them up at some other point and time I guess. Those extra 30 hours that I have to do this year are stressing me out to the point that I'm going to have to stop, relax and have faith that I will get them done. (Even if it is at the last minute!)

Mike's board meeting has been cancelled tonight so we actually get a night at home tonight! We, or should I say he, has been gone every night this week pretty much. When he decides to do things, he does them all at the same time. That makes it hard on all of us.

Matthew decided he didn't really want to do the songs for the VBS program. He started out participating but then didn't want to anymore when he realized everyone was watching him. I took a few pictures and will try and post them.

Drew is being such a big boy. He is still doing without his paci and going to bed like a champ. Of course it being summer, they both hate going to bed early. I'm worried about his speech though. He doesn't seem to be learning anymore new words. I always would worry about Matt and then he would take a vocab explosion. I don't know if Drew will do that. And yes, all kids are different but I never dreamed that both of my children would have "talking" problems.

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