Saturday, September 27, 2008

New Babysitter

Mike and I went out last night in search of laptops that we like and to look at other things. We also had to get some groceries and other stuff for the house. Of all the babysitters that we have, none were available last night. So, we called Shelby Davidson who had been dying to watch the boys. She jumped at the chance. Obviously they had a great time with her and Spencer. Spencer sent Mike a text message at one point and told us not to hurry home, they were having a blast. I was worried that they would be a pain for her and she'd never want to watch them again. I don't guess they were because she was more than eager to watch them another time. It just get a bit expensive for us! I want to pay whoever I ask to sit well enough that it's worth their time. I remember sitting when I was younger and it not really being worth my time for the money. I guess it doesn't hurt once in a while to have someone else watch them and pay them. I'm just glad we have someone to fall back on if no one can watch them.

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