Friday, August 8, 2008

Our boring life...

Not much happening here the past few days. We are totally out of routine though and need to get that straightened out. The boys are staying up waaay late and then sleeping in waaaay late in the morning. Kinda nice in the morning for me as I have a bit of peace and quiet. Only 5 more days until I have to go back to work. Boo hoo!

We are about to get going on the vanity for the bathroom. Not sure what is going to happen in the closet. I'm thinking about looking at Lowe's to see what they have as far as organization. We talked about slide out shelves and such but I'm not sure. We're at a stand-still again and it's driving me nuts. Although, it is giving us a bit of time to do some family things and spend some time together before work starts again.

The boys are about over their rash. I looked last night and they have very little left of it. I'm just ready for Matt to start sleeping through the night again. He's woke up screaming in the night for the past 4 nights or so. He isn't fully awake and acts like he's in pain somewhere. I'm not sure that he's pooped for a few days so that could be it or he does that when he needs to pee. It could be a plethora of things and he can't/won't tell me what's wrong. That gets very aggrevating to me in the middle of the night.

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